L2GO Scholarship (DFA&ITIDA)
The Full-paid scholarships are provided by different national and multi-national Entities in cooperation with DFA German Business school. We aim not only to help Graduates and senior students, regardless of their field of study, to reach the B2 level but to educate, train, and support them to be hired by multinational companies in the field of the contact centers in 2022
- Age: from 22 to 30 years old
- Field of Study: The scholarship is for college and institute graduates, as well as fourth-year students only
- Required German level: The applicant should finish the first two levels in the German language (A1 & A2)
- Military Status: The applicant is exempt or has completed the military service
- Program Frequency: 4 days a week
- Train to be hired: the Applicant should be ready to be employed after completing the required levels in one of the telecommunications companies through the Ministry of Communications
- Types of courses: Face to face (offline), online, and virtual classrooms
- process once the application is received:
- Online written test (within 48H)
- Oral test and face-to-face interview in DFA Misr Elgdeda
- completing legal Documents